25/06/2021 - 10/10/2021




To mark Joseph Beuys’ 100th anniversary the Pinakothek der Moderne is dedicating an unconventional project to the artist: a selection of his multiples will be leaving the museum’s white cube to be placed at different, carefully chosen locations in Munich – including a cinema, a ministry, and a research centre – generating new impulses through collaborative exchange. In this way, Beuys’ claim “I transmit” will literally be put into practice and the immediacy of his works experienced within new social environments. The project’s message will reverberate into the Pinakothek der Moderne where Beuys’ Sand drawings created in Africa in 1974 and documented by Beuys’ photographer-friend Charles Wilp will be exhibited for the first time, next to other rarely shown multiples from the museum holdings. The interim use of one of the exhibition rooms for the annual ‘Denkraum Deutschland’ (‘Room for Thought’), held from 2–10 October 2021, will mark the anniversary’s conclusion, in which emerging artists place the meaning and possibilities of social sculpture open for discussion.

Curated by Tatjana Schäfer and Bernhart Schwenk.

The project is funded by the International Patrons of the Pinakothek.

Further information on the website of the Bavarian State Painting Collections

Joseph Beuys in conversation with Norbert Kricke
Photo: Erich Puls / Klaus Lamberty

Beuys City Map

Find all locations in the Beuys City Map.

Exhibition booklet

Download the exhibition booklet here:

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