Data protection
Part 1 – General information
Privacy Statement of the Pinakothek der Moderne. The Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich is the Museum of Art, Prints & Drawings, Architecture and Design. The unique variety of exhibitions accompanies a rich, inspiring event and mediation program. The visitors experience a place of sensual and spiritual pleasure, encounter, discovery and research - in the midst of the Kunstareal München.
This privacy policy explains how personal data is collected, processed and transmitted by the Pinakothek der Moderne. Furthermore, data subjects are informed of their rights under this privacy policy.
The following instructions, stipulated in Part 1 – General information, apply to all data processing procedures of the Pinakothek der Moderne. Specific data protection provisions can be found in Section 2 of the processing procedures described separately therein.
This Privacy Policy applies to all persons who come into or have contact with the Pinakothek der Moderne or use the services of the Pinakothek der Moderne, including users of the website and other online services of the Pinakothek der Moderne.
Third parties (for example, online platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram to which there is a link on our websites) may also process personal data. This Privacy Policy does not apply to such third parties or their services, and the Pinakothek der Moderne cannot accept any liability for how these third parties may possibly use the personal data they collect. For personal data concerning the data protection practices of third parties, you are referred to these third parties direct. You are asked to observe the data protection information on the relevant pages.
The current technical operation of this homepage is developed by:
schalk&friends - Agentur für digitale Lösungen GmbH
Lindwurmstraße 124
80337 München
The processing of personal data, for example, the name, address, e-mail address or telephone number of a data subject, is carried out in compliance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation. The Privacy Policy of the Pinakothek der Moderne seeks to provide transparent information on the type, extent and purpose of the personal data processed by the Pinakothek der Moderne. Furthermore, data subjects are advised of their rights in this Privacy Policy.
The Pinakothek der Moderne takes proportionate technical, administrative and physical security measures to protect your data from loss, misuse, unauthorised access, publication, modification and deletion.
Contact details of the Data Protection Officer
Legal basis of the processing
Unless otherwise stated below, our personal data are processed within the context of the performance of our public duties (Article 4, Sec. 1 of the Bavarian Data Protection Act – BayDSG, in connection with Article 6, Sec. 1 (a), and Article 6, Sec. 3 P. 1 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)).
If you have given your consent to the data processing, the data processing is based on Art. 6, Sec. 1 (a) of the GDPR.
Duration of storage of personal data
Your data are store after collection by the Pinakothek der Moderne only for as long as this is required for the achievement of the purpose of the storage or for as long as it is prescribed by legal provisions on storage.
Rights of data subjects
As a data subject of the data processing, you have the following rights:
- If your personal data are processed, you have the right to obtain information about the stored data concerning you immediately (Art. 15 of the GDPR).
- If incorrect personal data are processed, you have the right to have this corrected. Having regard to the purposes of the processing, you also have the right to request the completion of incomplete personal data, also by means of a supplemental declaration (Art. 16 of the GDPR).
- If there are legal grounds for doing so, you may request to have the processing deleted or limited, or to object to the processing (Art. 17, 18 and 21 of the GDPR).
- If you have given your consent to the processing or have signed an agreement on the data processing and the processing is carried out by means of automated procedures, you also have the right to data transferability (Art. 20 of the GDPR).
- Right to withdraw consent
If you have given your consent to the processing by the Pinakothek der Moderne by signing a similar policy and the processing concerns this consent, you may withdraw your consent for future processing at any time. This does not affect the legality of the processing that was carried out with your consent up until its withdrawal.
Should you wish to exercise any of your rights mentioned above, the Pinakothek der Moderne will check whether the legal conditions therefor are fulfilled.
Right of appeal to a supervisory authority
In addition, you have the right to lodge an appeal with the Bavarian Commission for Data Protection (Art. 77 of the GDPR).
This can be reached by using the following contact details:
Pinakothek der Moderne
vertreten durch Dr. Michael Hering, Prof. Dr. Andres Lepik, Prof. Dr. Bernhard Maaz und Dr. Angelika Nollert
Barer Straße 40
80333 München
Tel.: 089/ 272 725 348
Further information
For more detailed information about the processing of your personal data, you can reach us by using the contact data given.
Part 2 – Special Part
When you visit the website of the Pinakothek der Moderne, data are transmitted to the web server over the user’s internet browser. The following data are logged during a current connection to the communication between the internet browser and the web server:
- Date and time of the request
- Name of the file requested
- Page from which the file is requested
- Access status (file transferred, file not found, etc.)
- web browser used and operating system used
- full IP address of the requesting computer
- Quantity of data transferred
For reasons of technical security, in particular for the prevention of attempted attacks on the web server, these data are stored. After seven days at the latest, the data are anonymised by abbreviating the IP address at domain level, so that it is no longer possible to create a reference to individual users. For the prevention of risks to the security of the information technology, these data are forwarded to the State Office for Information Technology Security in accordance with Art. 12 of the Bavarian E-Government Act.
To allow access to these internet services, cookies (small files) are saved onto the user’s end device for a period of 12 months. The purpose of cookies is to make the use of the home page easier and more suitable. This does not involve the storage of personal data by the Pinakothek der Moderne. Most browsers are designed in such a way that they accept the use of cookies, but this function can be switched off by setting the internet browser for the current session or permanently.
Videos in this internet service are embedded by YouTube. The service provider may store cookies on the user’s computer when videos are played. The Pinakothek der Moderne has no influence on this storage.
Adjust your cookie settings here.
Third-party providers and social media
No user data are transferred to third parties, for example, to social networks, on the website under without prior consent. Third-party providers may only access user data if the user
- has actively agreed to the data transfer, for example, through the opt-in procedure.
- leaves the regional portal over an external link. The data are transferred to third parties as soon as the new browser window opens. The data protection regulations of the page provider concerned, for example, Facebook, Instagram or YouTube, apply to the recently viewed page. You are asked to observe the data protection information on the relevant pages.
Verwendung von Facebook und Instagram Social Plugins
Wir nutzen auf Grundlage unserer berechtigten Interessen (d.h. Interesse an der Analyse, Optimierung und wirtschaftlichem Betrieb unseres Onlineangebotes im Sinne des Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f. DSGVO) Social Plugins ("Plugins") der sozialen Netzwerke und, welche von der Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Irland betrieben werden ("Facebook" und „Instagram“).
Hierzu können z.B. Inhalte wie Bilder, Videos oder Texte und Schaltflächen gehören, mit denen Nutzer Inhalte dieses Onlineangebotes innerhalb von Facebook und Instagram teilen können. Die Liste und das Aussehen der Facebook Social Plugins kann hier eingesehen werden: Die Liste und das Aussehen der Instagram Social Plugins kann hier eingesehen werden:
Facebook und Instagram sind unter dem Privacy-Shield-Abkommen zertifiziert und bietet hierdurch eine Garantie, das europäische Datenschutzrecht einzuhalten (
Wenn ein Nutzer eine Funktion dieser Onlineangebote aufruft, die ein solches Plugin enthält, baut sein Gerät eine direkte Verbindung mit den Servern von Facebook auf. Der Inhalt des Plugins wird von Facebook direkt an das Gerät des Nutzers übermittelt und von diesem in das Onlineangebot eingebunden. Dabei können aus den verarbeiteten Daten Nutzungsprofile der Nutzer erstellt werden. Wir haben daher keinen Einfluss auf den Umfang der Daten, die Facebook mit Hilfe dieses Plugins erhebt und informieren die Nutzer daher entsprechend unserem Kenntnisstand.
Durch die Einbindung der Plugins erhält Facebook die Information, dass ein Nutzer die entsprechende Seite des Onlineangebotes aufgerufen hat. Ist der Nutzer bei Facebook oder Instagram eingeloggt, kann Facebook den Besuch dem jeweiligen Konto zuordnen. Wenn Nutzer mit den Plugins interagieren, zum Beispiel den Like Button betätigen oder einen Kommentar abgeben, wird die entsprechende Information von Ihrem Gerät direkt an Facebook übermittelt und dort gespeichert. Falls ein Nutzer kein Mitglied von Facebook oder Instagram ist, besteht trotzdem die Möglichkeit, dass Facebook seine IP-Adresse in Erfahrung bringt und speichert. Laut Facebook wird in Deutschland nur eine anonymisierte IP-Adresse gespeichert.
Zweck und Umfang der Datenerhebung und die weitere Verarbeitung und Nutzung der Daten durch Facebook sowie die diesbezüglichen Rechte und Einstellungsmöglichkeiten zum Schutz der Privatsphäre der Nutzer, können diese den Datenschutzhinweisen von Facebook entnehmen:
Wenn ein Nutzer Mitglied bei einer der beiden Plattformen ist und nicht möchte, dass Facebook über dieses Onlineangebot Daten über ihn sammelt und mit seinen bei Facebook und Instagram gespeicherten Mitgliedsdaten verknüpft, muss er sich vor der Nutzung unseres Onlineangebotes bei Facebook und Instagram ausloggen und seine Cookies löschen. Weitere Einstellungen und Widersprüche zur Nutzung von Daten für Werbezwecke, sind innerhalb der Facebook-Profileinstellungen möglich: oder über die US-amerikanische Seite oder die EU-Seite Die Einstellungen erfolgen plattformunabhängig, d.h. sie werden für alle Geräte, wie Desktopcomputer oder mobile Geräte übernommen.
Active components
Active components such as Javascript, Java-Applets or Active-X-Controls are used in the information offered. These functions can be turned off by using the settings for the user’s internet browser.
Evaluations of user behaviour (web-tracking systems)
Programmes for the evaluation of the user’s behaviour are only used by the Pinakothek der Moderne in anonymised form. The IP addresses are first anonymised for this and then evaluated. The users may decide here whether to allow a cookie to be placed for a clear web analysis. If they opt for this, they enable the Pinakothek der Moderne to capture and analyse various statistical data in detail. The raw data collected is deleted after a maximum of 6 months after the evaluation. The evaluation and deletion of the data is carried out by employees of the Pinakothek der Moderne.
If the users do not wish to allow the page operators to collect and analyse their statistical data in detail, they may use their mouse to check one of the following options:
Information that is sent unencrypted to the Pinakothek der Moderne by electronic mail (e-mail) may possibly be read during transfer by third parties. The Pinakothek der Moderne is not normally able to check the identity and does not know who is behind an e-mail address. A legally secure communication by simple e-mail cannot therefore be guaranteed. As with many e-mail providers, filters are used against unsolicited advertising (SPAM filters), which in rare cases may also automatically classify regular e-mails falsely as unsolicited advertising and delete them. E-mails that contain harmful programs (viruses) are deleted automatically in all cases.
Events of the Pinakothek der Moderne, press and publicity activities
The Pinakothek der Moderne is also the organiser or co-organiser of various events.
In the event of an invitation to or participation in an event, the Pinakothek der Moderne processes personal data (name, address, etc.). This can be done through various channels of communication (e.g. by completing a form, a web form, by e-mail, by phone).
The personal data transferred to the Pinakothek der Moderne is determined by the form in question, the input mask or the data requested in a conversation.
Further procedures for this data collection
The personal data are not passed on to third parties, but stored and processed for the internal use of the Pinakothek der Moderne and for the purpose of the organisation and management of events (i.e. for compiling guests lists, enabling access controls, etc.). The Pinakothek der Moderne may arrange for the data to be passed on to one or more contract workers who only use the personal data on behalf of the Pinakothek der Moderne for internal usage for which the Pinakothek der Moderne is responsible.
Depending on the type of the event, the Pinakothek der Moderne acts as a co-organiser alongside a further collaboration partner. In these cases, the data collected for event purposes are forwarded to our partners, who may also only use the data exclusively for the purpose correctly managing the event. What partners these are in individual cases is advised during the organisation of the event.
The data are only stored for as long as this is required for the organisation and management of the events and for the implementation of our tasks as part of our publicity work.
As the recipient of letters/invitations, you may object to the mailing of further letters/invitations at any time.
For the implementation of the tasks included in the press and publicity activities of the Pinakothek der Moderne, photographs are taken and used at events on which you may be recognised. You may also object to these.
Please use the contact data given above to raise advise your objection.