Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum
With more than 120,000 items from the areas of industrial design, graphic design, computer culture, mobility, and arts and crafts, Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum is one of the largest and most important museums of applied art of the 20th and 21st centuries. Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum is a leader in the fields of industrial and product design. The museum is also considered the world’s oldest design museum. The idea and initiative for its foundation are closely interwoven with the Werkbund movement formed in 1907 in Munich. The ‘Moderne Vorbildersammlung’, or Modern Samples Collection, established from 1912 onwards, formed the backbone of the Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum, which formally became a state institution in 1925 and opened its doors as a museum in 1926 with the aim of identifying, collecting and preserving new work of the highest quality.
From the very beginning, Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum distinguished itself from the museums of applied arts or arts-&-crafts museums that existed at that time – by consciously championing what was then modern and thus cutting-edge, contemporary design. To this very day, this clear agenda defines the objectives of the Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum.
The collection’s international holdings are focused primarily on a time frame from 1900 to the immediate present. The museum holdings span a broad range with collections covering more than 20 different thematic areas. Alongside objects of industrial design, they include important collection fields such as ceramics, metal or glass and furniture, textiles or jewelry.
Reception and Education
The graphic design department ranges from posters about packaging design to book design. Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum is dedicated to important thematic exhibitions as well as to solo shows. Contemporary designers are invited to develop site-specific projects.
With the presentation of its museum holdings, its exhibitions and its multifold educational programs, Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum reflects current discourses on the content and shape of design museums, on how design contents are received, and on the current significance of design.

Design hat unmittelbar mit uns und unserem Leben zu tun, sei es in der Gestaltung von Alltagsgegenständen, sei es in der Gestaltung von Arbeitsprozessen, aber auch von Denkprozessen. Der Mensch, die Gesellschaft, die Politik – sind ohne Gestaltung, ohne Design nicht denkbar.
Und so stellen wir in der Neuen Sammlung immer wieder Themeninhalte vor, die eine deutliche Relevanz für die Gegenwart besitzen.
Dr. Angelika Nollert
Director, Die Neue Sammlung - The Design Museum
Die Neue Sammlung - The Design Museum
Planning your visit
Today closed
Daily 10.00 – 18.00
Thursday 10.00 – 20.00
Monday closed
Barer Straße 40
80333 München