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2. Mai 2019 · by Dr. Andreas Strobl

On the world-class stage

The Staatliche Graphische Sammlung München is now welcoming visitors online! The Munich museum’s latest initiative involves a online study room, accessible via its homepage, that allows the general public to call up and explore the collection’s vast holdings from anywhere in the world.
With the project’s launch, the Staatliche Graphische Sammlung München brings a substantial piece of Bavaria’s cultural heritage onto the international stage, joining the ranks of other world-class collections of works on paper with strong online presences. The program was made possible by the generous support of the Stiftung Pinakothek der Moderne and the Bavarian State Ministry for Science, Research, and the Arts.
This undertaking will not only help make the Staatliche Graphische Sammlung and its extensive collection of first-rate art accessible to non-specialists, but also promote Bavaria as a centre for study and learning, and highlight Munich’s appeal as a destination with a wealth of museums and exhibitions.

Growing database

Kiki Smith makes the start

Currently, the Staatliche Graphische Sammlung is digitizing a large portion of the graphic work of American artist Kiki Smith, who recently donated her entire oeuvre of prints to the collection. An exhibition of highlights from this body of work, TOUCH. Prints by Kiki Smith, is on view at Munich’s Pinakothek der Moderne until 26 May 2019. Subsequently, all works will be viewable online, allowing visitors to obtain key data on each and – if they feel so inspired – arrange for viewings of original works at the brick-and-mortar study room at the Staatliche Graphische Sammlung.
Other works currently viewable online include drawings and prints from the recent exhibitions Lucas van Leyden (1489/1949–1533): Master of Printmaking and In Focus: Franz von Pocci – Fantasy and Mockery, as well as – to the greatest extent possible – objects from Grande Decorazione: Italian Monumental Painting in Graphic Art.

Alternativer Text
Kiki Smith 1993, 1993, Radierung und Aquatinta auf japanischem Echizen Kouzo Kizuki-Papier


Kiki Smith, Litter, 1999, Lithographie mit Vergoldung auf Arches Cover White-Papier, 551 x 764 mm, Staatliche Graphische Sammlung München, Schenkung der Künstlerin © Kiki Smith, courtesy Pace Gallery
Kiki Smith
Staatliche Graphische Sammlung München, Schenkung der Künstlerin
1999 Lithographie mit Vergoldung auf Arches Cover White-Papier, 551 x 764 mm (Blatt)
Kiki Smith
Pool of Tears II
Staatliche Graphische Sammlung München, Schenkung der Künstlerin
2000, Radierung, Aquatinta und Kaltnadel in einer Farbe, mit Wasserfarbe handkoloriert, 1295 x 1899 mm (Blatt)
Lucas van Leyden
Adam und Eva mit Kain, nach der Vertreibung aus dem Paradies
Staatliche Graphische Sammlung München
1510, Kupferstich, 165 x 116 mm (Blatt)
Franz von Pocci
Phantastisches Schloss an einem Gebirgssee
Museumsstiftung zur Förderung der staatlichen bayerischen Museen, München
Feder in Braun, 256 x 215 mm (Blatt)

The first step

But that’s not all: the museum is also in the process of uploading the entire collection of Italian Drawings and Italian Prints – large parts of which have already been digitized – to the online collection. In the coming months and years, further sections will be made available online on a daily basis. With the initiative in full swing, the public now has the opportunity to discover the Staatliche Graphische Sammlung München’s extraordinary collection of treasures, both familiar and new.

Jupiter und die versammelten Götter, Cornelis Cort, nach Francesco Primaticcio, 1565, Kupferstich im Bildsinn, II. Zustand von II, 464 x 460 mm (Blatt), Inv.-Nr. 17767 D
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