31/03/2022 - 28/02/2023



About the exhibition

"My way of painting is without all artifice ...". An art-technological presentation highlights how this quotation by the well-known expressionist Emil Nolde is to be understood in relation to his painting technique. The effect of Nolde's painting arises from the artist's conscious and varied use of materials and techniques. For example, he uses colorful primers in a nuanced way or often applies luminous paints in an unmixed and lush manner. The Munich collection of paintings is used to illustrate Nolde's working process - from stretching the canvas to the brushstroke - and the peculiarities of his working method between calculation and 'staged chance'. The most recent research results are presented as a dialogue between the originals and the results of restorative and scientific investigations. Realia from the studio bequest illustrate the artist's demand for quality in his materials as well as his individual handling of paint.

More information on the exhibition on the website of the BAYERISCHE STAATSGEMÄLDESAMMLUNGEN

Dance around the Golden Calf, 1910
Öl auf Leinwand, 87,5 x 105 cm
Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, München
© Stiftung Seebüll Ada und Emil Nolde
Foto: Sibylle Forster
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