General Information

to arrange a private tour of the visitor service


Art education & visitor services
T +49 (0)89 23805-284

A private group tour can only be arranged in writing. You're welcome fill in the information fields of our inquiry form and send this off. Your request will be sent to a team of independent art agents forwarded. You will be given a guide by us on your own Invoice acts. Please note that management requests are only processed by us if a lead time of five working days is met.

The fee can be found in our current information. Usually the guide requires the fee bar following the tour. Other Agreements, e.g. Invoicing, must be in direct contact with the guide in advance be agreed. For corporate clients, the guide may be subject to sales tax to pay the fee. Entries are not included in the price of the tour. The tickets for the The respective museum or the special exhibition will be available on the day of the Visit to the museum cash desk. A presale is unfortunately not possible. For admission prices and conditions please refer to our current Point out.

Cancellations must be made at least three working days before Start of the guided tour directly with the guide. Otherwise, the reserves Guide to charge a cancellation fee.

House rule:
Every visitor to the museum is obliged to attend the To comply with house rules that you find here. questions to House rules we will be happy to answer. Please note that off
For safety reasons only a maximum number of 25 persons per Leadership is allowed.

Data protection:
The data transmitted by you will be in the context of your Request saved for editing. Your data will be confidential treated. There is no unauthorized disclosure to third parties. We
process and use your personal data as far as necessary for processing, Implementation and processing of your booking request is required. Your Data will not be provided without your personal consent for the purposes of Advertising, market or opinion research used.


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